14 Week Sessions

Our 14 Week Sessions are design with Theatre Kids and busy students in mind. 

Our Sessions provide flexibility and affordability to students who spend months working on a show, 

or participating in many extra curriculars and activities. 

Session 1: September 5th - December 5th

Session 2: March 12th - June 11th

*Attend both Sessions and receive 5% off Session 2*

2023/2024 Sessions

Kids Musical Theatre Combo: grades 1 - 6  |  Tuesdays, 5:30 - 6:55 pm 

Do you want to feel confident and stand out in your auditions? Or are you thinking you might want to give theatre a try but are nervous to jump in? This class is for you! Work on the skills you need to perform in a musical. Work on dance technique and learn steps you often see in a musical along with acting and singing exercises each week. Beginner Friendly. Advanced modifications provided for more experienced dancers/performers.

Teen Musical Theatre Combo: grades 7 - 12  |  Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 pm 

Do you want to feel confident and stand out in your auditions? In this class we will work towards developing the skills needed to be a well rounded performer. Explore telling a story through a song and selecting pieces that best showcase you. Workshop prompts and questions to ask when analyzing a scene or monologue to portray a believable character. Improve your dance technique and learn steps you often see in a musical. Beginner friendly. Advanced modifications provided for more experienced dancers/performers. We meet everyone at their level and work to grow from there.